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I want my customers to fill and submit forms online. Do they require any particular kind of software on their PCs in order to be able to do so?

Once the forms are made editable (“fillable”) and “submittable”, users only require Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 and above (a freeware) to be able to fill and submit the forms online.

What kind of databases and servers will support integration with PDForms?

ScanTech offers solutions that can integrate PDForms with all back end databases and web servers.

How are PDForms better than HTML forms?

PDForms unlike HTML forms look exactly like their paper versions and can be distributed using Email and standard file transfer systems. The form can be saved and filled-in locally without being connected to the Internet.

Can one save filled in PDForms locally?

In order to save a form with the filled in data you need to have Acrobat 4.05 or Approval installed on your system.

Do I need to invest in any hardware or software in order to automate the PDForms on my site?

You need not invest in any hardware/software or tools to automate your PDForms. Just give us your form and specifications (server, database details) and we will deliver a customized solution. PDForms will be made editable and integrated seamlessly with your backend databases. You need not invest in any programming effort either.

Who should use ScanTech PDForms services?

All Organizations and Institutions (government agencies, law firms, educational institutions, libraries, insurance companies, real estate companies etc.) offering end users forms can benefit from ScanTech’s Interactive PDForms services.

Some direct targets include:

(a) Users who have static PDForms and would like to support online form filling and processing
(b) Users who want to automate the collection and processing of forms
(c) Users who want to develop PDF form based workflow systems
(d) PDForms services can also be availed by users who have HTML and other kinds of forms and would like to convert these forms into Interactive PDForms