Phone: (604) 709-9663
Technical Support: 1 (866) 709-9666


PRICING 1 to 5 Licenses 6 to 10 Licenses 11 to 100 Licenses 100+ Licenses
e/Forms Financial cost per user (one time license fee) $299.00 $279.00 $259.00 $239.00
Annual MES per user (Maintenance, Enhancement & Support) $99.00 $89.00 $79.00 $69.00
Addition of company specific forms to e/Forms with fillable fields $250.00/page
Addition of company specific forms to e/Forms with no fillable fields $50.00/page
Addition of company brochures & marketing materials $50.00/material
Updates, replacements, changes(logos, address change, etc.) to company specific forms $50.00/page
Unique Database link e.g.:custom access database $100.00/hour

* Prices are subject to change without notice.
* Effective date: 01/31/2013